Free Kalmuri 3.5
Free Kalmuri 3.5

free Kalmuri 3.5

You can use the shortcuts to resize the image, the canvas, add text and adjust the zoom levels. The first one has basic file operation buttons, but also offers advanced options like RGB mode, Indexed mode, Transparent Color.

free Kalmuri 3.5

The GUI of Photoflare has two toolbars at the top of the window.

free Kalmuri 3.5

It has some useful tools for editing images like the selection tool, an eye dropper (color picker), magic wand, line, paint brush, advanced paint brush, paint bucket, spray can, clone stamp, blur, erase and smudge tools. The Tool palette (color palette/tools side-panel) is placed towards the right edge of the screen. Photoflare supports the following image formats: PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, TIF, TIFF, BMP and ICO. The images are loaded in tabs so can jump between two images quickly. You can load an existing image and start editing it, or create a new image from scratch. The interface of the program is not difficult to get used to. But if you just want to use it as an image editor, it can suffice. Photoflare is an open source and cross-platform image editor that allows you to apply filter effects to your photos.

Free Kalmuri 3.5